McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (“Act”), 42 U.S.C. 11431 et seq., is a federal law that is designed to ensure that homeless children and youth have the same access as other children to public education, including public preschool programs.

Who is protected under McKinney-Vento?
Massachusetts has adopted Section 725(2) of the Act which defines homeless children and youth as individuals who lack a “fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence. This includes children who:

  • Share the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar conditions;
  • Live in motels, hotels, trailers or camping grounds due to lack of alternative housing;
  • Live in shelters;
  • Have been abandoned in hospitals;
  • Have been placed out of their home into temporary, transitional or emergency living placement, including STARR programs, and are waiting for a foster care placement;
  • Have a primary nighttime residence that is not meant for regular sleeping accommodations;
  • Live in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations or similar settings; and
  • Have been “thrown out” or have run away and as a result are not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian and are living in a shelter, on the street, with friends or relatives, or are moving around from one place to another.

Also included are migratory children who qualify as homeless because they live in any of the circumstances described above. Mass. Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education Homeless Education Advisory 2002-1, 2004-9, 2007-9A

What rights do students have under McKinney-Vento?

  • The right to immediate enrollment or remain in school of origin
  • The right to choose what school to attend
  • The right to participate in the same programs and activities as other students
  • The right to transportation
    • The parent or guardian (or, in the case of an unaccompanied youth, the school homeless liaison) of a homeless student may request that transportation be provided to and from school. If the student is still in the same district as the school of origin, the school district must provide transportation. If the student is not living within the district of the school of origin, the district of origin and the district where the student is living must determine how to share transportation costs and responsibility. If the districts cannot come to an agreement, then the responsibility and costs must be shared equally. In general, transportation time should be limited to one hour or less in each direction.
    • Please note, the transportation provisions of McKinney-Vento only apply to students who are currently homeless. If a student obtains permanent housing and continues to attend his/her school of origin until the end of the school year, the continued provision of transportation is at the discretion of the district of origin.

Under the Act, every school district is required to have a Homeless Education Liaison. It is the job of the Liaison to ensure that homeless students have the same opportunities as all other students, which includes ensuring that homeless students are able to attend school, arranging for transportation in a timely manner, keeping the school staff informed of the rights of homeless students and providing appropriate referrals to service providers.

For more information on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Program, contact the U.S. Department of Education, Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs (SASA), Office of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Website: Click Here

New Heights Charter School of Brockton has created this web page to provide resources to families needing assistance.

Food Stamp Info 1-800-249-2007

Food Source Hotline 1-800-645-8333

Food Pantries: Brockton, MA

  • Catholic Charities, 686 N. Main St., 508-587-0815 M-F 10-2pm
  • Charity Guild, 501 N. Main St., 508-583-5280 M-Th 10-2pm (clothing also available)
  • Mainspring, 54 N. Main St., 508-587-5441 Wed. 10-2pm
  • Salvation Army, 216 Centre St., 508-583-1896, Tue-Fri 1-3pm
  • Torn Veil Church of God, 105 Pleasant St., 508-583-1896 Tue-Thur 10-2pm
  • Trinity Baptist Church, 1376 Main St., 508-588-4668 Wed. 4-6pm
  • David Louison Center, 137 Newbury St., 508-584-4315, Thurs. 10-2pm
  • Assembly of God, 199 Warren Ave., 508-583-7222 Fri. 10-12pm
  • My Brother’s Keeper, 508-238-4416, Tue.-Fri. 12:30-4pm (Calls only; no messages)
  • Massasoit Food Pantry, 1 Massasoit Blvd 1st Floor Field House, 508-588-9100x 1018 Mon-Thurs 10am-4pm

St. Paul’s, 80 Pleasant St., Brockton 508-587-0877, Mon-Sat, LUNCH, 12-1:30pm

795 Pleasant Street, Brockton 508-588-8241

Food Pantries: Randolph, MA

Food Pantries: Taunton, MA

  • St. Vincent De Paul Taunton, 141 Washington Street, 508-823-6676 Tues/Thurs 8:30-10:30 am Wed 5:30-6:30 pm

The Dianne DeVanna Center: for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect

Brockton Family & Community Resources, Inc : provides free, confidential services to child, adolescent and adult victims of trauma 508-583-6498

Taunton Family Resource Center: provides financial, housing, mental health, medical, legal services & so much more 774-501-2633

Quincy ( Randolph Student) Family Resource Center: provides financial, housing, mental health, medical, legal services & so much more 617-481-7227

BAMSI: Brockton Area Multi-Services 508-580-8700

United Way Hotline: 2-1-1

SelfHelp, Inc: 800-225-0875

  • DOR, Child Support Enforcement: 1-800-332-2733
  • DTA Recipient Services: 1-800-445-6604
  • DCF: 1-800-795-5200 or 1-800-KIDS-508
  • Early Intervention: 1-800-905-8437
  • Legal Assistance: 1-800-244-9023
  • Parents Helping Parents: 1-800-882-1250
  • Parental Stress Line: 1-800-632-8188
  • SouthBay Mental Health: 1-800-244-4691
  • MSPCC: 508-586-2660
  • Brockton WIC: 508-588-8241
  • Boys & Girls Club of MetroSouth: 508-586-3503–ALL  New Heights students can have access to the club through a sponsored membership.
  • YMCA, 508-587-4242

NAEHCY: National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth

NCHE: additional information and resources on providing assistance for schools serving displaced students

Horizons for Homeless Children: training & technical assistance workshops for educators and administrators working with young homeless children and their families

School on Wheels of Massachusetts: an organization whose mission is to educate children impacted by homelessness by providing academic support and one-on-one mentoring so children can reach their full potential

CHOICES: a program at Massasoit Community College for transitional assistance and low-income individuals


HealthNet: Health Insurance Information

Brockton Neighborhood Health Center
63 Main Street, Brockton, MA 02301

Mental Health Services: Emergency Services
Brockton Multi-service Crisis Unit

Domestic Violence
Safelink Hotline: 1-877-785-2020
Women’s Place: 508-588-2041
Brockton Family & Community Resources: 508-583-2045


Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance – click on “Resources”

MassHousing information on affordable rental housing.

Project Place Gatehouse: a supportive community that promotes hope and opportunity for homeless and low income individuals by providing the skills, education and resources needed to obtain stable employment and housing

Department of Transitional Assistance
75 Commercial Street, Brockton, MA

DTA Client Services

Social Security Administration
30 Christy Drive Brockton, MA 02301

MELD Program: Moms aged 13-25, one child under 3

MSPCC Good Start Program

Young Parent Program

Early Intervention
BAMSI 508-586-9855
MSPCC 1-800-339-2204
South Bay 1-800-244-4691

Housing Assistance
Helpline, 47 W. Elm St., Brockton, MA 508-584-4357